This is the plan. Will Buddy listen to me? Probably not.
Buddy chickened out Sunday last, but it was probably the right thing to do. His radio coach has been out of commission with a bad back and he couldn't be there to help Buddy close shop and set the automatic computer functions to iTunes, which is how you hear the damn station when no one is actually there. It's all a miracle of technology to Dooley, but it probably isn't all that complicated once he gets "hands on," which he hasn't yet.
Not that "hands on" did him much service yesterday when he worked with Word 2007 for the first extended time period. He's new to computers to begin with and has managed fine with
Word '03. Is he supposed to be impressed with '07, or even like it? Geez...Yesterday's problem involved trying to place headers on a document. Blah, blah, blah. Poor Buddy...
Buddy has to remember to take his medication. Slipped up the past couple of days and felt like his boat was sinking.
Well, perhaps everybody's boat feels that way these days. His just might be sinking faster.
KC Bacon, the painter/poet Buddy has lauded time after time in this blog, dished him a nice blurb of his memoir here. See how it works? It's an association, like the NBA or the Chamber of Commerce. It's not what you know, but whom you know, etc., etc.
On the other hand, everything KC Bacon says is undeniably true.
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