
“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”--Martin Luther King

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

The Grand Theatre

The American political drama, or electoral theatre, is reinforced so aggressively because it is the most basic and effective distraction people have for their social malaise and misery. Voting is a reflection of binary models, it is really just exchange value. And voting makes everyone equal. And Americans have even taken to wearing little stickers that proclaim they voted. So electoral theatre as a shaming device. But voting becomes even more than just a threadbare symbol of equality, it takes on almost occult significance for many. It is one of the few rituals in bourgeois society that seems to encompass something almost magical. Voting is an affirmation of one’s existence, of one’s autonomy and even freedom. I can vote for whoever I choose. Well, off a menu of two.

But I have seen leftist writers proclaim lesser evilism is not to be debated. This is, apparently, because Trump is some sort of special category of evil. This is a hugely regressive and politically immature position. Firstly, voting is not going to solve shit. Full stop. No, the entire apparatus of elections and voting machines and voter suppression or corrupt counts is part of this grand theatre. And this emphasis also promotes a popular idea with the ruling class, that of individualism.--JS

This is an especially bright essay.  Highly recommended for truth seekers. People whose brains have transmogrified into nests of snakes are urged to read it as well.


Thursday, November 15, 2018

What Next?

Anthony DiMaggio lecture.

A shortened, accompanying text.


Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Tom Clark, 77

I'm a little late with this, as with all else, but the poet Tom Clark died August 23 at age 77, three days after being struck by an auto near his home in Berkeley.

I didn't discover the info until I went to his blog, Beyond the Pale, and noticed that the last entry was written on August 18. I had a hunch and searched for the worst and immediately found this Times obit.

This was Clark's second run-in with a car on a busy street near his pad. Surviving the first accident, he complained about the uptick in traffic on his street. The first accident put him down for a month or more, and it is just damn weird and tragic that a similar accident ended his life.

I had a short and lively exchange of emails with Clark six years ago as Round Bend Press brought out a pair of poetry books by Charles and Bill Deemer. Clark wrote to tell me how much he liked the work.

"Those Deemer boys really know how to write," he said.

Indeed. And so did Tom Clark, RIP.


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Happy Birthday of Death

Sadly, as a nation, the U.S. doesn’t recall Cheney’s lies, or his role in planning the contemptible “Shock and Awe” saturation bombing campaign that destroyed a sovereign nation, which posed no threat to the United States, and left the world’s cradle of civilization in ruins. Conveniently, it doesn’t recall the over 500,000 deaths from war related causes, as reported by the Huffington Post in its 2017 updated article; nor does it recall that obliterating Iraq’s government created a sociopolitical vacuum that enabled the exponential growth of the CIA’s unique brand of Islamofascism and its resulting terrorism, which has culminated in war-torn Syria and Yemen.--LS

I've always wondered why I seem to be the only U.S. citizen outraged by this. I know I'm not alone, but damned if it doesn't feel like it most days.


Friday, November 9, 2018

Friday, November 2, 2018

Ignore Him

Here’s a thought: What if the media just stopped covering Trump on a daily basis? Why must they dutifully replay every infuriating word from every canned, rigged, reality-TV campaign rally and faux news conference and then bemoan his total narcissism, his complete lack of empathy, his wedge-driving failure of leadership, his dog whistles for racists, his winks and nods to neo-Nazis, his total and unrelenting lack of human decency?--SK

I like this. 

And that's just one; there's much, much more to be had here.