
“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”--Martin Luther King

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Top Ten

Clearly, Truthdig readers were there for it all over the last year, tuning in weekly for the reality checks Hedges was uniquely able to provide in his pieces. He fixed his sights on what many others in the media treated as the most glaring problem with which the U.S., if not the international community, was faced: President Donald Trump. But for Hedges, the current occupant of the Oval Office didn’t serve as a catch-all for the country’s political woes, nor did Trump’s considerable presence obstruct Hedges’ view of many other critical issues calling out for attention.--Truthdig

A "best of list" of stories worth reading (and reading again).


Thursday, December 27, 2018

RP Thomas

Pond reflection.


Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Goodbye, Bitch

Each New Year’s, my wife and I indulge one of our favorite traditions: the household purge. We scour our closets for stuff that’s just taking up space, quietly draining our home’s energy, and move it along. I can’t recommend it enough.

This year, America’s doing the same thing — and putting House Speaker Paul Ryan out on the curb.

For years, the ten-term Wisconsin Republican — who’s retiring as Democrats prepare to take over the House — enjoyed an improbable reputation as a “deficit hawk” and “deep thinker” about fiscal issues.--PC

A fond farewell.


Friday, December 21, 2018

Two Populisms

Two very different “populisms” that have arisen in response to neoliberal capitalism in the West.--PS

Note the differences.

The whole deal.


Monday, December 17, 2018

What it is...

Over the last eighteen years as I wrote for many progressive outlets, editors often asked me not to mention the word “neoliberalism,” because I was told readers wouldn’t comprehend the “jargon.” The situation is even worse with literary journals, my main territory, which are determined not to have anything to do with this vocabulary. This has begun to change recently, as the terminology has come into wider usage, though it remains shrouded in great mystery.--AS

A friend asked me to define neoliberalism over the weekend.  I gave it my best shot, but here's the real deal.

From CP.


Sunday, December 16, 2018


Google is a menace to society.  The behemoth has my account all screwed up.  Have to create a new password every time I try to log on.

Why, I ask you?


Friday, December 14, 2018

Shiny Gifts

My new used computer arrived today, along with a cash gift from a friend who simply has good timing.

Thanks new used computer, and thanks friend.  You both made my day.

Now, sorry for everyone else.  I'm about to start blogging again after a month of Sundays. 

You know you want it.  Even likely need it.
