I generally try to stay out of the politics of college football. Politics and gigantic egos have ruined so many things in sports for me over the years that I'd like to keep just one pure passion for myself. As it is I have to turn a blind eye to much that is happening in the college game and try to not have it ruined for me by the sport's over-reactive usurpers, be they idiotic fans, dumb players, or stodgy old NCAA representatives.
But this story about Boise State and petty NCAA rules sticks in my craw. The NCAA is often horrible in its judgements and arcane rulings, but this one takes the cake.
Everything is a bureaucratic process these days, even the red tape surrounding death. Give me a break. The president of the NCAA should call the parents of the deceased recruit and apologize for his organization's utter callousness.
Those who lead by provoking fear are destined to fail. Get it together NCAA.
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