
“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”--Martin Luther King

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I got a nice rest last night, slept eight hours rather than my usual four to six.

Maybe that's one advantage of being sick. My ass-end has been dragging lower than a show roadster's at a national hot rod convention. I was ready for some real sleep and this morning I woke up more refreshed than usual, jonesing for a good cup of joe.

However, I can already feel my energy draining as I type this.

A few days ago I ran out of coffee filters, so I pilfered a few paper towels from the cleaning lady's cart in the lobby of my apartment complex. She usually leaves it unguarded while she roams the hallways looking for someone to gossip with.

I don't think I'll ever buy coffee filters again. These particular towels make great filters and I have complete access to them because the cleaning cart is always sitting there unattended.

I hope the janitorial staff never changes brands around here because  I doubt if all paper towels make good coffee filters.

The cleaning lady could get fired because she never works, which might skew my method, but I hold out hope that I'll die before that happens.

The coffee filters fast through the towels, resulting in a clean, rich cup of coffee that takes a fraction of the usual brew time.

I'm all about getting my coffee now, which is why I won't stand in line at a Starbucks if the place is busy.

Starbucks is famous for its good service, but it's usually not good enough for me.

I'm saving pennies on filters, people. That is no small accomplishment in these rough times.


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