
“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”--Martin Luther King

Monday, January 23, 2017

Prose Poem


It's working much the way
I thought it would if the fascist
got elected.
I didn't expect he would, but the
silver lining was there as refuge.
The lesser-evil voters wailed at me.
The demigod must be stopped, you're
throwing your vote away, he's wicked,
we must elect this women or else!
Or else what, I said; more of the same,
more war, more death, more poverty?
Haven't we had enough of that already
in all of these years of endless madness?

I said not her, the other one; she should
be the first. No, not Liz, the
Omnipresent faithful Democrat.
The other one who couldn't buy TV time
or impress the mainstream media moguls,
their advertisers, with her visions
of green peace, love, womanly bravery.
But, would the new revolutionaries have
marched in the streets had the status quo
been maintained?  No, of course not.
It takes a King. It takes a Tsar.
It takes an Asshole before
the multitude can find a voice.


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