
“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”--Martin Luther King

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Shoot a Football, Be a Hero

Two very different "controversies" are playing out in the American hype machine these days, both illustrative of why claiming citizenship in our vast miasma of inane unconsciousness is so daunting, even disheartening.

The first is the silly notion that pro football matters--nobody with common sense cares whether or not a football was carrying the right measure of air during a recent NFL playoff game.  Among dumb debates, this one is a universal corker, a sure sign of mass stupidity.

The second is the "debate" over the movie American Sniper.   If you don't understand by now that you can't win when you simply invade a sovereign nation, run by a dictator or not, and start plinking off invader-described "insurgents" like so many moving targets in a sleazy American carnival shooting gallery run by sleazy war profiteers--while extolling the virtues of God and Country--you are hopelessly idiotic.

About the first issue I quote the American writer CD who said the other day over coffee, "Who cares?"

About the second, Sheldon Rich published this at CounterPunch today.

Jesse Ventura, no friend of the late American sniper Kyle, had this to say.

What a week, huh?


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