
“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”--Martin Luther King

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


This would be a sweet deal for every underpaid worker in Oregon.

The right argues that it would cost jobs of course, and indeed it might impact marginal businesses that are skimming by on the lucre they maintain by paying the current minimum wage, but that is beside the point.

If you are a businessman and you're not giving your workers a livable wage you are an exploitative bastard to begin with, and you don't deserve to ride on the backs of the people who are making you money while they struggle for survival.  Sorry Charlie, if your business fails.

Life is full of compromises, and the one here is that your business might go under.  We should not care about that, because all it really means is that you will eventually need to find another way to adapt to survive.  It also means your underpaid workers will likely look forward to the opportunity to re-enter a market where they will eventually find a better paying job--the indefatigable point of the law.

Believe it or not, new jobs will appear as well because more money will be circulating throughout the economy and demand for workers will increase as people spend their extra income throughout the community.  In the very least, workers will be partially unburdened from the constant pressure of an unlivable wage.

To the argument that says inflation will offset any gains made by workers, keep in mind that increased competition will effectively counterbalance that as those businesses that successfully deal with marginal adjustments will win, just as they always have.

Most enchantingly, businesses now reaping exorbitant profits on the backs of low-wage earners will be forced to share more of the spoils in an economy long under their excessive manipulation and control.

The goal here is solid.  There should be no exemptions.  Play ball or perish.  If you're already playing ball, you have no worry.

If you're an exploitative bastard, worry all you want because your time is rapidly approaching.


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