The Clippers came out worrying about what their half-wit owner said and got stomped.
Be interesting to see if they can survive the BS and find a way to keep their heads in the game. Personally, I think the players have taken it too hard, which may be an absurd thing to say since I'm not a black basketball star, but...
You have a union. Use it and refocus.
You're making millions playing a game, what do you care what the dumbazz says? The rule of chattel isn't going to end in your lifetime.
Capitalism has a strong racist component, and even if it manages to allay some of that in the name of progress, it remains at its foundation inherently mean and cutthroat, particularly at its highest levels.
By contrast, if you were a fry cook in a greasy spoon and your dumbazz boss said something to offend or insult you you'd be in the same boat--only without the highflyin' lifestyle.
It happens, believe me. More frequently than our society is willing to admit. People in the business world are nice--until they're not.
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