
“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”--Martin Luther King

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th!

I had a friend during my work/party days in the restaurant business who always wore a favorite shirt on the 4th of July.

Cut tightly around her supple breasts and lovely waist, her flag-embossed shirt convincingly announced her allegiance to the good old USA.

"My favorite holiday," she exclaimed, knocking another one back in celebration.

"My favorite shirt," I said, lifting a brow. I liked her laughter. I liked the way she ate her hot dog.

While it was not meant to be between us, I always admired this Boston-born babe.  I'd known people before her who wrapped themselves in the red, white and blue on the 4th, but rarely with such revolutionary zeal--or irony.

For in many ways, she was a rebel in love with an ideal.

Or so I wanted to believe.  Wasn't the American Revolution still a living, breathing thing?  Something to cherish, but also something to watch carefully in perpetuity, something to preserve as more than the simple-minded jingoistic refrain heard all too often in every stratum of our society--USA, USA, USA!

This is something to think about in our age of overwhelming surveillance and "preventive" war and, dare I say, seeming constitutional illegality.  It's something to think about on this day.

Like my old friend, democracy is not easy.

Like her, it might slip away.

Perhaps it already has.


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