
“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”--Martin Luther King

Friday, June 15, 2012

On Being Attacked

Given the world we live in every child is a close victim.

I'm thinking of the Jerry Sandusky trial and the brutal testimony coming from the alleged victims of his alleged abuse.

I hate having to use the word "alleged."  It is a word couched in legalese, and we will not be able to rid ourselves of it until, in this instance, Mr. Sandusky is put away for his crimes against children.

I allege.

Some would like to cast Sandusky's alleged crimes as an indictment against football.  Others, closer to the nerve center, would point to the hallowed halls of the academy itself.  Still others would choose to believe that all the witnesses for the prosecution are conspiratorially making shit up as they go along and that Sandusky did no wrong.

Let the court decide.

Many of the alleged victims in this case were fatherless children for one reason or another.

I know something about being a fatherless child because I grew up without a father.  Those circumstances were not due to any value a judgmental society could have placed on my father's worth (he died in an accident when I was a baby), but that doesn't stop people from being bone stupid about the following:

1. The reality of being fatherless (for whatever reason) in American society presents a grave disadvantage to the child.

2. We live in a world where predators will seek out the weak and fatherless to do them harm.

3. The reality of abuse is everywhere, even in adult to adult relationships, and  the real world run by adults is really dangerous.

My own confrontation with perverted, sanctimonious men started at a small church near my childhood home.   They didn't get to me, finally, because I put up a fight.

I've put up a long fight against abusers, the sanctimonious, those who would believe they have it over you in perpetuity for some misbegotten, frightening, and absolutely nefarious reason that only they believe worthy.

I have dealt with these sort of fuckers my entire life.  I'll continue to do so until I croak.

It is a rare day when I am not attacked by one shit clown or another.  I'm just doing what I do when I tell them they're barking up the wrong tree.

It's what I've always done, and may Sandusky's alleged victims find peace.


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