
“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”--Martin Luther King

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Things are at a slow crawl.

I've been scouring websites for work.  I need a job, preferably online.  I haven't worked a physical job setting since 2008.

I broke my finger that year (crushed by a faulty lift gate) and settled with SAIF for too little.  I should have sued the company. Damn trucks were always under-serviced.

Simply a matter of a toxic work environment, a common and spreading thing--so ordinary that no one but the debilitated gives a damn.

Like that time in Albany years ago when a cop threatened to kill me. I should have sued the APD then as well.  All these years later and the cop industry still has some issues, doesn't it?

Every once in a while a nice cop will get a little ink for not being an asshole.  Cool.  But don't even contemplate being anything other than a robot when you're dealing with the power.

Guess I'm not very litigious, never have been.  Maybe a new opportunity will arise.  In fact, I've been thinking about suing my landlord for several months now.  I have my reasons.

Lots of stress right now.  That'll probably end when I die.

Sound familiar to you?


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