I'd rather be on a sunny beach.
Project ideas flashing through my mind, little energy to corral them.
I've yet to go into this blog and find the poems I lost in a couple of working files. How I erased those still puzzles me.
To be exact--I know how I did it, the question is why? By simply not focusing--or was it an unconscious act of borderline self-subterfuge? I think I posted the majority of them here, so they're not gone in a literal sense; I've merely set myself up for a lot of grunt work.
That's nothing new to an old frycook.
I tried to watch the Blazers last night. My interest in roundball has completely waned. The Blazers are like obnoxious past-friends whom you don't miss. The antidote is to turn them off, a deserving fate for freakish multi-millionaire seven-footers and bums alike.
The bright side? More football tonight. Like last week, games being broadcast nightly as the mid-majors fight it out for conference titles. These games are ointments, my salvation against nightfall and ennui.
The games mean nothing in terms of the "Power 5" and the big business of major college ball. But they are entertaining.
I read a little nightly, though it be a struggle at times. The library has a "large print" section. Pride has kept me from exploring it until now. It may be time...
It's cold outside and the library opens at noon today. A brisk walk may be in order.
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