I am $7.79 richer today
an automatic deposit appeared
unexpectedly in my account
Goddamn you, America
you are a tough sonofabitch
a drag for most of us
As a writer I could give a fuck
about the popular culture
and Tom Brady's politics
Radicalism is my forte
an oyster free from the saline
of packaged and frozen dinners
I have $7.79 that is on you my
inert and disinterested America
Goddamn you and the GOP
All the money in the world
boils down to two books I sold
in the summer when a reading
Frenzy must of taken hold and
my words cast a spell of absolution
on the entire universe Amen
I needed something that $7.79
could buy like a new brain and
a real estate license and meatloaf
Goddamn you, America I never
considered working for the state
or one of your contractors etc.
I worked for 50 years on poetry
and here I am with $7.79 in
the bank thank you Amazon
Goddamn you, America $7.79
isn't a lot of money but
what the hell I'll take it