
“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”--Martin Luther King

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Fixing the Hole

Photo by RP Thomas

Rex Dern

As far as Rex Dern could tell
everyone meant well at Tex’s Tavern,
but he was sick of it all.

A more selfish man he couldn’t recall
than his friend Ted, whose swell
of agony hit him like a tsunami of fear.

Day in and day out he sits there,
usually on the same stool if he can
arrange it, dropping tears into his beer.

Goddamn, Ted'd shot many a man
in his war, as had Tex in his, but neither
one could make sense of it; far be it

That the U.S. government ever admits
wrong doing, so it falls on them to one
day fix things. Rex knew neither would,

Nor could. Their faith in illusions was
too strong; he saw anything beyond
breathing as but a mercenary's song.

Rex dragged himself up from his desk
and looked out the window. Tomorrow
he’d cash his last unemployment check. 


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