
“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”--Martin Luther King

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Trumped Up, Fucked Up

“If you’re cheering Assange’s arrest based on a U.S. extradition request, your allies in your celebration are the most extremist elements of the Trump administration, whose primary and explicit goal is to criminalize reporting on classified docs and punish [WikiLeaks] for exposing war crimes.”--GG

Julian Assange has reportedly been charged by an American Grand Jury for his role in publishing this leaked video, among others. He will apparently be extradited to the U.S. where he is expected to stand trial for doing what reporters do— publishing true information in the public interest. The New York Times and other newspapers also published the leaked documents, but have as yet not been charged. This legal maneuvering appears to be a politically motivated vendetta against Julian Assange for embarrassing the War Criminals behind the Iraq war.--RU

To be fair, it is not simply Trump who is enabling this outrage.  The entire U.S. foreign policy establishment has been clamoring for this ooze of Orwellian poison since the Iraq War was exposed by Manning and WikiLeaks a decade ago.

Obama was rabidly complicit in his failure to use the International Criminal Court to seek indictments against the war's engineers. Blathering about his unwillingness to harm the nation by seeking the truth of illegal U.S. aggression in its choice and conduct of the war, he instead chose a path that would lead to this, a full-frontal assault on the Fourth Estate.

So much for a "unity" that was never in the cards. So much for the "freedom of the press."


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