
“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”--Martin Luther King

Monday, April 15, 2019

A Big Risk

Here’s the thing. Trump’s supporters don’t care how bad he is. They just care that he’s assaulting the powers that be.  And the disaffected no-shows won’t show up at the polls simply because Trump is worse than the average politician.  To too many, that’s the difference between Tweedledee and Tweedledum.

There may be a few math-challenged neoliberals who actually believe that going to the center is the way to win, but for most, the reason that the neoliberal establishment doesn’t adopt the obvious strategy for winning back the White House and the Senate while retaining the House is simple. They got where they are by serving the interests of the rich, the elite, and corporations.  Adopting the kind of policies that would serve the people and get no-shows off the sidelines threatens their true constituency.

If they succeed in derailing the progressive insurgency that gave Democrats a victory in the 2018 midterms, they may hold onto their seats; even if they don’t they’ll likely get a cushy job in a think tank, lobbying firm, or media outlet.  But we the people will have to risk four more years of Trump.

That is, quite literally, an existential threat.--JA

It takes an exceptional sort of dullard to think the majority of Dems want to get anything done beyond protecting their own power and wealth.

When we speak of "American Exceptionalism" then, the term includes that great throng of U.S. citizens who are exceptional in their ignorance and/or naivete.

RP Thomas: I think Trump is going to be re-elected without much problem, best hope for the Democrats is if tornadoes wipe out 80% of the trailers in the Midwest and South and they (Trump supporters) can't get to the polls.

That's pretty much my take as well, RP. 


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