
“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”--Martin Luther King

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Whose Narrative?

I find it sad and sickening that most Americans, and the corporate media that shapes them, are more concerned about the effects of Russian "meddling" on our "democracy" than they are about our own home-grown oligarchs, who are not only meddling, but have bought Congress and turned this wonderful democracy everyone thinks we have into a joke--an anti-democratic cesspool.

In my book, the Koch brothers present more danger to the U.S. than Putin could ever dream of.  Christ, when are people ever going to understand that the real danger is home-borne; all nations fail on their own accord--it doesn't take meddling from abroad when the cards are stacked against the oppressed in their own nation.

People watch too much TV.  It's sad they don't understand how duped they are by corporate media.

A mass uprising against the American oligarchs would leave Putin with nothing.  After all, his American friends are our real enemies. Trump doesn't even register, because he's a dumb shit flailing in the wind. Paul Ryan counts.  Mitch counts.  They're Koch friends and benefactors, and business with Russia counts for them. They're all for it.

You simply cannot demolish the wall of obfuscation that surrounds us now, filtered through corporate media.  With the party elites fighting each other over the "spoils of globalization" and the press-release media following along, the situation is untenable for ordinary men and women who cannot keep up with the cost of housing, education, health care and a Sundae at the local deli.

But don't take my word for it:

The claim that all that is wrong with America is due to the malignant machinations of Putin is the most blatantly false, potentially disastrous bucket of bullshit ever inflicted by the matrix on this ignorant, credulous, propagandized people.--PE

Come on, don't resist--read it.


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