
“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”--Martin Luther King

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Dear Bernie

"I was absolutely outraged by his behavior in Helsinki," Sanders told CBS's Margaret Brennan. "And it makes me think that either Trump doesn't understand what Russia has done, not only to our elections, but to cyberattacks against all parts of our infrastructure. Either he doesn't understand it, or perhaps he is being blackmailed by Russia because they may have compromising information about him or perhaps also, you have a president who really does have strong authoritarian tendencies and maybe he admires the kind of government that Putin is running in Russia."--JJ

This is sad.  Sanders has been right about so much so often, particularly in the domestic realm, that you tend to lose sight of his imperial streak--and how badly he can fuck up when he--rarely--addresses foreign policy issues.

His "unity" ploy with Clinton helped close out the end of his "revolution" in '16--a huge mistake if your aim is to separate yourself from the "billionaires."

Dear Bernie, what the hell did the DNC do to your campaign?  It "meddled" you idiot! But fuck it, you don't care.

You're as much an apparatchik of the Military Industrial Complex as anyone else in the Senate.

Bernie, it's time to pass the torch to your underlings.  Please retire.  And please stop soliciting money from me.  You're toast.

BTW, as an aside, how in the hell else did liberals and neocons (the duopoly) expect the orange terrorist to behave in Helsinki?  Was he supposed to all of a sudden brighten up?

Christ, he's a moron, like his allies in Congress and his base.  Either impeach him or conjure some answers.  You're giving me a headache.


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