
“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”--Martin Luther King

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Money, Money, Money

When you press Democrats on their uninspiring deeds—their lousy free trade deals, for example, or their flaccid response to Wall Street misbehavior—when you press them on any of these things, they automatically reply that this is the best anyone could have done. After all, they had to deal with those awful Republicans, and those awful Republicans wouldn’t let the really good stuff get through. They filibustered in the Senate. They gerrymandered the congressional districts. And besides, change takes a long time. Surely you don’t think the tepid-to-lukewarm things Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have done in Washington really represent the fiery Democratic soul.--Thomas Frank

One thing is abundantly clear.  Hillary's supporters are a loud and obnoxious group of crybabies, but that is almost understandable given that most of them are comfortably ensconced in lives of privilege and denial.

As a group they could give a fuck about the poor and underprivileged, as Thomas Frank notes in his article.

When Bernie Sanders said Hillary was "unqualified" yesterday, he threatened the little bubble of comfort that surrounds the failed ex-Secretary of State and embittered loser to Obama in 2008.

Bernie did a great, honest thing.  If he is walking it back now, that is unfortunate.

The push back yesterday and today from the media and Hillary's women and eunuchs came in the form of the worst kind of gender politics--the hue and cry of those angrily opposed to anyone who would state with conviction, including poor young women and the working poor, that putting a woman in office at this time shouldn't be paramount.

Hillary is the wrong woman, you stupid louts.  She's a Republican in a pantsuit.

Talk about shortsightedness.  Yep, gender politics and a cult of personality have currently hijacked the DP.

HC was given a good job in Obama's new administration; she held her nose and took it in order to remain close to the halls of power, to stay in the game, and to immediately begin planning for her next run at the top job.  Obama held his nose in a silly attempt to create unity in the country.  That was just one of his stunningly efficient series of bad moves early on.

The naive women and emasculated men who cheer for old Hillary to finally achieve her lust for power--always a quid pro quo pact with her cheating hubby, I presume--are misinformed nincompoops who couldn't care less about the struggles vast swaths of Americans are facing under the thumb of neoliberalism--everybody's best girlfriend's forte.

They haven't a clue about how Madam Secretary fucked up in the Middle East by engaging with her elite friends--a tiny number--and allies in Libya to produce regime change and oust Qaddafi, leaving a vacuum in that failed-state that exists to this day and is spreading like a bad disease.

One thing neoliberals can't seem to understand is that they can no longer use the patronage of a nation's elites to get the majority of oppressed to love them.  You see, that is why colonialism ultimately failed.  Iraq was a failed attempt at neocolonialism, as Tariq Ali has argued.  None of the Bush crew had an historical understanding of Iraq's deeply ingrained cultural imperatives.  Pure hubris guided them.  The arrogant don't have time for history, which is why they're so destructive and prone to war.

They haven't a clue, or they don't care because  destabilization doesn't concern them until a bomb goes off in Boston.

They've shrugged off Hillary's Iraq vote as a senator because they too were hoodwinked by Bush and Cheney.  That's how much sense they have. While people with brains who knew what was going on marched in the streets, Clintonites marched across the aisle and kissed "the decider's" butt.

All of this gave rise to ISIS, and Clinton's hands are bloody with it. But the Clintonites don't care. They're too wrapped up in careerism and the pursuit of wealth and gender politics and the cult of personality. Geopolitics is not just the bane of Trumpeters. Overwhelming numbers of Dems don't get it either, and they're likely Clinonites.

As far as the bloated speech fees and the Wall Street support of her campaign that Bernie referenced yesterday,  it is fairly clear that Clintonites cheer the fact that she can make a lot of money. These people love money, and they don't have time for anyone who doesn't. There's nothing wrong with being rich, they exclaim, just learn to launder it properly.

Money envy has replaced penis envy with this crowd.

Oh well...at least the dictator is dead, ha, ha!

Yep, Bernie rattled some liberals' cages yesterday.  I'd like to hear him deepen his attack, broaden it, fight on.  If he doesn't, he'll not only lose the election resoundingly, he'll disappoint millions of his followers who have donated time and money to his campaign.

Many of those people won't vote for Hillary, and will stay home on election day.

Then America can have its Trump.  That'll be as funny as killing Qaddafi.


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