
“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”--Martin Luther King

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Fiddling Around

Let's see. It's late in the evening now, a Sunday, and what have I accomplished...

Just a few things. I worked on marketing the press again today, and I began collecting my essays (or notes) for a new book that I'd like to publish here in the spring.

It will consist of pieces I like from the blog that I want to polish and expand (but not too much because I like the short form of some of them), and perhaps a few other things as of yet unpublished.

Work on my second memoir will have to take a backseat to this one, which I'm starting to like in concept.  Always a good thing.

Actually, it is kind of exciting, but too early to reveal anything about it.  Debating whether I want pictures in it for instance.  I can tell you however that it will be more personal than my book of pseudo-academic essays, Alt-Everything.

I'm mulling this title: People, Polemics & Pooh-Pahs: Notes from Under the Bar

I'm going to write it directly to a 6 x 9 format, which I've been advised to do by someone who swears by the technique.

I see it. I see how it will help put the book in perspective and eliminate some grunt work.

Did some editing and reading.

Too, I ordered another proof of K.C. Bacon's Aphorisms, since he okay-ed the PDF, which I finally made to fit pocket-size while vanquishing a couple of formatting problems.

It looks nice.

You'll be pleased when you buy one, I'm sure.


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