As I've revealed in numerous posts here at RBP, I was once a pretty decent jock myself. As I've also related, here and elsewhere, I didn't always fit in with the athletes in my cohort because my views have long been somewhat left of centerfield, never mind rightfield, where in my experience the worst fielder was always lodged, with the hope that the opposing team wouldn't hit one in his direction.
Somebody lobbed Scottie a few political questions and the ball hit him on the forehead. He juggled the ball, then dropped it.
I once sat in Portland's Multnomah Stadium (now PGE Park), the summer of 1980, and quietly received the taunts of the entire bullpen of the Phoenix Giants (AAA) as I remained seated during the playing of the national anthem. That is a habit of mine, and my business (I hate the way sports and politics enmesh in our society, an embarrassing imperial tendency).
By the time the warbling, awful singer finished mangling the ugly song, the pitchers were threatening to come into the stands and kick my ass.
The Soviets had recently invaded Afghanistan and Jimmy Carter had called off U.S. participation in the Moscow Olympics in protest. U.S. nationalism and the most naive kind of American patriotism had a grip on the dumb amongst us.
As it does now. (See any parallels between the Soviets and the U.S?)
I waved at the dumb asses and put on my best smile. Didn't they know they should have been paying attention to the anthem and not clamoring so for my head?
I thought they were being most disrespectful--to the flag, and the poor singer!
Stick to hunting and hitting slugger.
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