"The bill has broad support, but not broad enough. Reid needs a Republican to cross the aisle to vote for the legislation, and needs to hold the Democratic coalition together. As of Monday, that was not happening. The floor debate was contentious - with Republicans bashing what they view as Democrats' free spending, and Democrats detailing the impact of job losses and the possible effect of Medicaid cuts in their states. No Republicans have yet come out in favor of the bill, with moderate Sens. Olympia Snowe (Maine), Scott Brown

(Mass.) and Susan Collins (Maine) apparently remaining in opposition. Additionally, Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) has signaled that he might not vote for the bill as it ups deficit spending."
After years of fucking up America, these swine are dressed for success. Look at all the red in these pictures! Red clothing. Red lips. Red stripes on the flag in the background. Apple-red cheeks.
Ben Nelson is a moron, so we understand his opposition
to the jobs bill gridlocked in Congress.
But the ladies? Oh ladies, don't be so...Red.
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