America is staggering down the street like a man on a thirty-year bender. It is dirty and debased, jobless, ready to make any excuse it can to take another nip off the bottle.
America is blind drunk.
It lies in the gutter with one eye closed and the other blinking into the sun. Feverish and dissociative, slipping into a kind of madness, a personal hell reserved for failed empires. It has no memory, no will to get up and clean up. A little soap behind the ears, a good flossing, a gargle of anti-septic would do it wonders.
America thrives on war and nothing else.
Its drunken power in an embarrassment; militarily it's capable of blowing the world to smithereens with one finger. But that power is weightless, has no meaning beyond its bullying capabilities.
Get the fuck out of Afghanistan now; you cannot win without killing the entire population. Enough genocide! Enough stupidity! Enough! Enough!
While policing the world, America cannot police its own Congress and the corporate greed our legislative branch props up like a snaky vine growing on a trellis. Americans have abdicated their democracy in the interest of comfort, which is slipping through their fingers like fool's gold panned from a sewer running through a smelly river.
(America is overwhelmed by metaphors and similes.)
America is unable to function without a congressman in the pocket of every corrupt institution in the land. Most Americans are inured to the State's corporatism. Millions stream like schools of fish to its pop-cultural disgraces, its manufactured art, it publishing fiascoes and Oprahesque proselytizations.
American culture is at its lowest ebb, wears filthy clothing that reeks of despair and moral turpitude.
America is a mental disease so propagandized that it has become delusional and senseless.
The gutter feels good as long as it's near a heating grate that looks conspicuously like a television. Brian Williams and the rest of the gang can read the latest truth from flash cards; America will devour it.
Founded on racism, America remains racist. Founded by elites, it maintains its sickening theories of capitalization, ugly nodules protruding from mythic dreams. Americans are enslaved creatures, mindlessly turning the wheels, conspiring to make others do the work that they are unwilling to do themselves.
Here is a minimum wage job. Be grateful you have it, and clean that mess out of the gutter.
That is a man! What? It doesn't matter?
American poverty is an institution, a bubble. Prick it and the entire system would collapse in a heartbeat.
Gutter cities, propagating like rats, gnawing at the collective conscience--get ready for it.
Burt and Betty, get your guns.
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