
“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”--Martin Luther King

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Who's Cackling Now?

This is how I put it down a little over eight years ago in the early days of my blogging career.

By July 26, 2010 I'd had enough of Barack Obama's lies and deception.  Two years into his presidency it was clear.  The first black American president was a fraud.

I took him to task, as did many others on the left, for his duplicity.

Yet today he is still revered in most Democrats' eyes, in a deeply disturbing nostalgic way.

The Dems had a problem back then, and they refused to deal with it, perhaps because of their corporate myopia and pathetic search for the golden urinal.

This piece is a good intro for the centrist mob that still mourns for Hillary and the stupidity surrounding her '16 run for the top job.

America was cheated out of a presidential race that year, via corporate-groomed subterfuge, and what we got is exactly what we deserved.

As much as I'd love to blame the Russians, it ain't gonna happen.  Comrades, it is the fault of the American oligarchy--not Russia's.


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