
“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”--Martin Luther King

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Post-Slavery Blues

The cries of white men with the burning torches in Charlottesville, Virginia, were familiar to her. Their anger was, too.

The continuous news coverage over the weekend prompted her own highlight reel of memories that included racial taunts, attacks and fears she’s lived with since she was born in the thick of the Great Depression. She couldn’t erase them if she wanted. “You never forget that feeling of being preyed upon,” said my grandmother, Clemmie. “It’s something I’ve been experiencing my entire life. I’m far from alone.”--JT

A good read at "The Undefeated."

All whitey has is a sad case of the post-slavery blues.  Dig it, the politicians are lying when they try to tell you that racism is anti-American.  It's as American as it gets and has been for hundreds of years.

What is more dishonest than a Congress that will not admit it is the machine of oppression and inequality?  That Trump hasn't been ousted by now for his incompetence is telling in more ways than the Tweet-happy Senators are capable of grasping or admitting, because it is power and not justice that makes them happy.

Consider this.

And this.

In other words our myth of exceptionalism is as fake as the Orange Jackass.


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