
“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”--Martin Luther King

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Normalization of Racism, Bigotry, Fascism

The white supremacy that some of us see as more insidious is not reflected in the simple, stereotypical images of the angry, Nazi-saluting alt-righter or even Donald Trump. Instead, it is the normalized and thus invisible white supremacist ideology inculcated into cultural and educational institutions and the policies that stem from those ideas. That process doesn’t just produce the storm troopers of the armed and crazed radical right but also such covert true believers as Robert Rubin from Goldman Sachs, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Tony Blair and Nancy Pelosi—”decent” individuals who have never questioned for a moment the superiority of Western civilization, who believe completely in the White West’s right and responsibility to determine which nations should have sovereignty and who should be the leaders of “lesser” nations. And who believe that there is no alternative to the wonders of global capitalism even if it means that billions of human beings are consigned permanently to what Fanon called the “zone of non-being.”--AB

Worth repeating.

Here in Oregon, our lone right-winger Rep. Greg Walden is an obvious fascist representing Republicanism, witness his support of Ryan and Trump during the dog days of the healthcare debate. His famous "impassioned speech" from the House floor defending the armed thugs who took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge was an earlier display of his contempt for democracy.

On the neoliberal side, Oregon's Democrats are less obvious, but no less culpable as they struggle with propping up capitalism while attempting to appease the underclasses and gift anti-fascism with a blurb or two on occasion, thus keeping their "liberal" credentials in order.

We know where all of these characters stand in truth--with business, the workers and poor be damned!


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