That the U.S. population has not demanded a criminal indictment of the Bush/Cheney administration is further testimony to how cowed we are by the "Masters of War," the profiteers and their gaggle of attorneys, the corruptly aloof and placated technocrats, the fearful slave-workers of corporatism, the intellectually bankrupt pundits of the corporate media, the warmongering crush of the evil bastards that control Wall Street, the God-fearing saps of the Right with their foolish belief in a non-existent God and persistent praise of U.S. hegemony, the tacit approvers, the gun-toting survivalist geeks, the NASCAR watching, boob-tube-worshipping, American Idol cock sucking jingoistic mass of oblivion-seeking white turds...
Seriously, folks, something is dreadfully wrong.
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