
“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”--Martin Luther King

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The Crying Game

The woman is so goddamned delusional she needs to be hospitalized and put on reality-based drugs to help her come to her senses.

I had people call me sexist and a misogynist simply because I didn't support her.  I am neither, but I can tell you that the level of political discourse throughout 2016 was at its lowest ebb in my lifetime.

What an insufferable and miserable human being she has become, and her supporters are in lockstep.

I'm really, really happy she's not our president.  She offered absolutely nothing in her campaign and wonders why she lost?

Sanders and the Russians did it!  Well, inept people do often blame everyone but themselves.  Her enablers are as deplorable as Trump's, albeit more arrogant, self-serving, privileged and entitled.

Trump is awful obviously, but much of the population has a better understanding now of what has been happening since Reagan, who was senile when he took office, fucked America over.

A pol like Clinton wouldn't have changed anything for the better--that's the unacceptable reality. This country needs to change, and both political parties are unwilling to address our problems. They would rather gloss them over with the fantasies--in variant and sick lies--that Clinton and Trump both want you to believe.

Ever heard of a two-headed coin?  Every time you call tails, you'll lose.


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