I'm not sure where things are headed or what the future holds in some regards.
At this point, all I can tell you is that my presence in the blogosphere is beginning to look and feel like a ride along a slow and winding road towards the sunset.
I'd like a few new projects to emerge from the shadows of this grand experiment. I have been engaged with it for over two years now, months of true enlightenment.
It's been good for me. I don't know about you.
I will become officially retired early next year, at age 62, and within the languorous serenity of that reality, I am looking forward to creating a few new projects that will culminate, hopefully, with several new books and personal statements designed to reinvigorate my interest in continuing with a life in the arts.
The projects will commence next year and arrive at their own pace, by design, and in various locales that I have been recently studying with varying degrees of interest.
It's a big world out there, and there is much for the artist to work with, to pick and choose from. The tools for this kind of work are plentiful.
Regeneration is possible.
The process is reinvention, something every artist is best served to attempt, repeatedly, over the short time he or she has to leave an impression on the world.
This amounts to nothing less than a redesign of my personal interests and intent as a writer, goals that have become somewhat skewed of late by my sense that something is amiss in my writing life. Perhaps this is how one fights the creeping influence of stagnation that threatens every artist.
From the beginning, this project has been a cooperative affair. I have attached several writers and artists to the project in good faith, guaranteeing that any sales generated through the small publicity of this site belong wholly to them. Each holds the copyright of his work. Each should continue to hold it.
I expect that commitment to continue. In some manner, the contributors will earn their wealth if it emerges.
I did not enter this realm with illusions that I myself would ever make a dime off of it, but thanks to a generous benefactor I have been allowed to eke out a living in this work space for many months now.
That has ended, and life is good. Some of my goals have been met, but not all of them, and I plan to keep working through my emeritus status. I'm just not certain of the form that will take, or whether it even matters.
Timing is everything, in baseball and publishing.
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