I literally had to tell my new doctor, whom I met for the first time this morning, three or four times that the reason I've seen so many doctors in the past five years is because I regularly went to Good Sam's clinic in Northwest Portland. Residents there are run through on a conveyor belt for educational purposes. I rarely saw the same doc twice, unless I was being treated for my shingles and subsequent facial neuralgia, or some other malady.
None of this impressed the asshole, my new doc.
My new doc acted like I was putting him out. I was an obtrusive parasite. Even after I reminded him that my original HMO went out of business and I lost Good Sam in favor of Providence, and the new HMO hasn't been able to hook me up with a PCP, he grumbled on about it.
Then, remarkably, he actually said, "Why didn't you talk to any of them about your health?" meaning the residents at Good Sam.
This is where I turned on the bitch. This is where I almost set him on fire and destroyed his golf game.
Because dumb-ass, this is a sudden new problem. And because Providence is so inept I've been without a doctor for 4 fucking months. Got it, finally?
Thanks to a dumb-as-rocks Medicare Agent who blundered my first efforts to find a Providence associate. Thanks to the HMO itself, which is better quite honestly at promoting Portland Soccer than providing health care--and can't seem to organize its way out of a wet paper bag.
Stupid fucking fucks.
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