(MLB Hall of Fame Catcher Mickey Cochrane was a Beaver)
I finished the first draft of my baseball history (Portland) today. Polishing along the way, I now need to go into full-on edit mode, which is hard for me.
Inevitably, I miss stuff. It helps to write to the 6x9 format from the onset, however, with title page, copyright page, the whole ball of unrelenting literary beauty. Takes a lot of the grunt work out of the ordeal after the initial setup.
That's a little trick I learned from Charlie Deemer. In my case, it helps set my books in stone, otherwise I might not finish them. You see, I wasn't smart enough to think of it myself. When I started Round Bend Press Books I didn't know how to format pages in Word or any other program.
Hell, I'm still winging it.
The book comes in at just under 100 pages without photos. I'll use as many as I can find. Checked out the Oregon Historical Society this morning, which had a lot of good stuff, but alas their prices are out of my league.
My first sustained writing project in a year. I think it has turned out swell.
Maybe ya'll buy a copy when I release it later in the month? Save your pennies! Wait for it...
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