Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Video Rally Wed. Night

"I often make the joke, although it's not such a joke, that if we can spend half of the time in this country talking about why the middle class is collapsing, as opposed to football or baseball, we would revolutionize what's going on in America," Sanders told Vox. "I want that discussion. I want to know why the rich get richer and everybody else gets poorer. I want to know why the United States is the only major country on Earth that doesn't provide health care to all of its people, the only major country that doesn't have family and medical leave so that women can stay home with their kids when they have a baby. Those are the questions we should be discussing."

Big rally Wednesday night.  Bernie will talk about his disgust for the billionaires, as usual.  Will he mention how much of their wealth is attached to the armaments industry, the MIC and perpetual war?

Probably not.  You know, to a large degree he backs U.S. hegemony and violence straight up.

Many are speculating that Sanders will throw his support to Hillary if his campaign flails in the coming months.

I'd like to hear him state unequivocally that he won't do that.

Why do I suspect there is another huge disappointment on the horizon?


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