I hear a revolution of a sort is playing out in Egypt. It'll be interesting to see thermidor transpire from that.
I finished the big three books and okayed them for Amazon. They should be up in a week, I'm informed. Funny, everyone has heard of Amazon, of course. Seems to have more legitimacy than Lulu for some people, as if it were more than an online store.
"Never heard of it," people say regarding Lulu.
Folks, the books are the same, no matter who sells them. Same price. Same content. Seems to be what matters rather than Amazon's success vs. Lulu's.
I don't know, a minor bitch I have I guess.
I watched the college football recruiting drama play out yesterday. Schoolboy legends and all. Kids drawing too much attention to themselves, giving press conferences, etc.
I played against some good high school players who later became stars in big time college ball, even the NFL. Didn't take a press conference to get there.
More like hard work and natural talent. Times have changed.
Another reason to jump off the bandwagon, I guess.
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